So since my last post, I had a little spotting for a couple of days, but today its gone. So, who knows-I think I had something similar last month. I have a message for the doctor to call me to schedule our follow-up appointment since its been 2 months since I started this new medicine. I am not sure what he's going to want to do since I goofed up my meds this month. We'll see.
I started Weigh Watchers last week. I am attending meetings with Terry (Aaron's mom) and Audrey and Sharon are on it too. We are all working together to stay motivated. I want to lose weight before I get pregnant, mainly to be more healthy for the pregnancy, and so its easier to lose after having the baby. My first week, I lost 1.6 lbs, so I'm off to a slow start, but its better than no start! I'll keep you updated on how its going.
Love you all!