Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Baby Update

 So I'm 21 weeks and 6 days which is over half way there! We tried to find out what we were having a few weeks ago, but the baby was sitting cross-legged...naughty!  (I think SHE is sitting lady-like).  Everyone thinks I'm having a girl except Aaron's parents.  Funny story, the other day I was helping this adorable old Chinese woman and she said (in a thick Chinese accent): "you have baby in there?" (I said yes) "you know if it boy or girl" (I said no) "it girl, I know" cracked me up!

Anyway, the important thing is that the baby is healthy, and growing at a good rate! We have been busy getting ready.  We have been going to baby classes every Monday this month-which have been awesome! I feel like I have learned so much and I feel much more prepared for February. We had another 1 day class last week, and another 1 day class tomorrow just to learn about other things baby-related.  This weekend, we are going to start on the baby's room.  Aaron and I cleaned out the room the other day, and Aaron tore out the carpet.  We are going to put hard wood floors in and paint and set up the furniture.  I'm really excited!

We are doing pretty well.  I'm crazy emotional sometimes.  Like anytime someone is crying on tv, talking about military or a sad commercial, I start to tear up.  Its annoying.   Other than that, my back and feet hurt all of the time, but I'm pretty sure they hurt all the time before I was pregnant.  Now they just hurt more and they hurt earlier in the day!

We have another doctor's appointment the first week of November, with an ultrasound, so hopefully we will find out the gender then!

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